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Strategic Planning/Pace Goals

2023 - 2024 District Strategic PACE Goals


Collaborative Teachers and Staff

The staff is committed to the school, receives strong professional development and works together to improve.

Further recruit and retain diverse staff, both licensed and non-licensed, through ongoing engagement with regional institutions of higher education, including historically black colleges and universities and community organizations, to identify barriers and solutions to improve access.

Expand district-wide professional development and resources for staff in the areas of student mental health supports and behavioral dysregulation, including refinement of district problem-solving processes and systems.


Ambitious Instruction

Classes are academically demanding and engaging for students by emphasizing the application of knowledge.

Focus on pre-covid literacy achievement for grades K-8 by increasing the number of students who reach their growth goal by 3% from fall to spring on the Measures of Academic Progress benchmark assessment.

Initiate year two of the Portrait of a Graduate vision by identifying quarterly milestones for each of the eight competencies by grade level for K-5 and by department for grades 6-12 and by developing Portraits of an Educator and Administrator with stakeholders.

Explore and initiate steps to launch the next viable career pathway(s) based on student interest, targeting the fields of healthcare and public safety.


Involved Families and Community

Strong relationships are built across the community to support learning.

Using spring 2023 5 Essentials survey data, each school will collaboratively develop an action plan to improve their identified areas of targeted need by 5%.

Enhance stakeholder engagement by featuring the contributions of families, businesses, and community partners through spotlights, the creation of new events, and opportunities for involvement.


Supportive Environments

School is safe, clean, conducive to learning. Teachers have high expectations, students have support.

Continue the incremental improvement of all students’ sense of belonging and teacher-student relationships as measured by Panorama and 5Essentials data.

Initiate a refined HS Solutions Team to analyze discipline data, reinforce student expectations, improve parent understanding, and identify and address consistency gaps in the implementation of the revised student Codes of Conduct.