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English Screener

My child is ELL

The State of Illinois requires that if a family indicates that a language other than English is spoken on the Home Language Survey, the student must be screened for English Proficiency.

We use WIDA screening instruments to determine if new students will need English support services to experience academic success.  The test measures proficiency in the four domains of language: listening, reading, speaking, and writing.  The test results are shared with teachers and parents to determine the level of support, if any, that is needed.  Parents will receive written notice that the student qualifies for services and the program type for that student.

Parents who wish to refuse services must do so in writing and provide a copy to the building to be placed in the student file.  Please note that even students who do not receive English Learner services will need to take the annual ACCESS assessment until they reach a 4.8 Composite Score.  Also, parents may opt to rescind their refusal at any time if their student is struggling with academic content.