Illinois State Board Assessments
Moline Assessment Schedule
What is the Purpose of Assessment?
For Students and Parents
Assessments help gauge individual progress to help build on strengths and address weaknesses.
For Teachers
Assessments provide identification of instructional needs, determination of mastery, and evaluation of the effectiveness of units/strategies.
For Administrators
Assessments provide information about program effectiveness, areas of curricular strength and weakness, resource and staff development needs, and targets for improvement.
For All
Assessments help answer two questions
1 - How am I (are we) doing?
2 - How can I (we) do better?
For current information regarding assessment, including dates, visit the ISBE Assessment Site by clicking this link
Parents Can Help Prepare Students for Assessments
- Read with your child. Ask questions that will help your child activate his/her thinking skills to improve comprehension.
- Discuss your child's work in mathematics. Use homework as an opportunity to show the importance of math to the real world.
- Encourage your child to keep a journal and write stories. Discuss his/her writing as an interested reader...not just an editor.
On The Day of the Test
- Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep.
- Make sure your child eats a good breakfast.
- Remind your child to ask the teacher questions if he/she doesn't understand.
- Let your child know you have confidence in his/her abilities.
- Encourage your child not to worry and to do her/his best