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Food Service

Federal Free and Reduced Meal Plan

What is the Free and Reduced Meal Plan?
Free and reduced-price meals are available for children whose family qualifies based on the size of their household and income level.  The household eligibility guidelines and policies governing this Federal program are determined annually.  Approximately 65% of District 40's students qualify to receive assistance. 

How Do I Qualify?
Prior to the start of the school year, the District receives notice from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) families who have qualified for free meals through a Direct Certification Process.  Other families may meet eligibility requirements by completing the Application for Free and Reduced-Price Meals found in the Downloadable Forms Section of this page. 

Parents are responsible for completing and submitting the application to their School's office with accurate information.  Only one application per family should be submitted.  Families will be notified of their benefit status by letter within 10 days.  Families must apply for meal benefits every year.  The best time to apply is during the District's registration process.