Registration Information
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- Kindergarten Registration Instructions
- New Student Registration
- Returning Student Registration
- Residency Verification Information
- Registration FAQ's
- In-District Transfer Request Information
Kindergarten Registration Instructions
Kindergarten Registration
We're looking forward to welcoming our new kindergarten students in the 2024-2025 school year. Parents with children that will be age five on or before September 1, 2024 are eligible to begin school in the fall of 2024.
Online registration for new kindergarten students (who did not previously attend a district preschool program) is now open. Please note, after completing the online enrollment, parents with kindergarten students must contact their home school principal to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year and verify residency. For a list of what to bring for proof of residency, please see the Residency Verification Information Section below.
NEW students WITHOUT siblings already enrolled in the District – Click Here to create an account and register your child. For help with enrolling a new student, please click here.
NEW students WITH siblings already enrolled in the District – Click Here to login to your Family Access account and click on NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION.
*If your student attended any of the preschool programs hosted by Moline at any of the elementary schools or the Jefferson Early Learning Center you will need to register as a returning student. Click here to login to your Skyward family access account. As a returning student, you will not need to verify residency at the District’s formal in-person registration event. For assistance with logging into your Skyward family access account please submit a service request by clicking here.
*For a list of what to bring for proof of residency, please see Residency Verification Information link below.
If you have technical difficulties, please submit a service request to EdTech by clicking here. You can also send an email to
Please contact your child's school with specific questions:
- Jane Addams: 309-743-1601
- Bicentennial 309-743-1614
- Butterworth: 309-743-1604
- Franklin: 309-743-1607
- Hamilton: 309-743-1610
- Lincoln-Irving: 309-743-1612
- Logan: 309-743-1613
- Roosevelt: 309-743-1617
- Washington: 309-743-1619
- Willard: 309-743-1620
New Student Registration
New Student Registration.
NEW students to the district (including kindergarten students who did not attend a district preschool program) should contact their home school principal to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year and verify residency.
Parents should start the new student enrollment by clicking here to create an account and register their child before going to meet with their home school principal to verify residency. For help with enrolling a new student, please click here.
If you currently have a student enrolled in the Moline school district, you can enroll a new student by logging into your existing Family Access account. Please click here to help enroll a new student with an existing account.
Please see the information below on documents required for residency verification
Moline-Coal Valley School District does not refuse to admit or enroll a student because of that student's failure to present his/her student permanent or temporary record from a school attended previously. (105 ILCS 10/8.1)
Additional Registration Information
K-8 Grade Forms and Requirements
- Visit our Health And Wellness Page for immunization, vaccine, and other health forms.
- Physical Exam is required for the following:
- Students entering Early Childhood
- Kindergarten
- Sixth Grade
- Any new student to District 40
- Immunizations
- All students from Early Childhood through eighth grade must provide proof of all immunizations
- Dental Exam is required for the following students:
- Kindergarten
- Second
- Sixth
- Eye examination is required for children entering Kindergarten or new students enrolling in District 40
- Physical Exam is required for the following:
- Athletic Participation Form (7th and 8th graders only)
9-12 Grade Forms and Requirements
- Good Standing Certification (Required for students entering from out-of-state public schools)
- Visit our Health And Wellness Page for immunization, vaccine, and other health forms.
- All students entering 12th grade in Illinois are required to show proof of a Meningitis vaccine on or after their 16th birthday.
Returning Student Registration
Registration for returning students will be completed online. The online registration process is currently open. Fees can also be paid online.
The online registration process is completed through the Skyward Login link. The link can also be found on the district website under "Parents & Students". If you are unsure of your login ID or password, you may click the “Forgot your Login/Password?” link. You may then enter your email address to have the information sent to you. If you do not have your email address on file with the district, please contact the Educational
Technology Department at 309-743-8989.
Exceptions: Should there be any questions regarding the residency of any returning students, online registration will not be available until residency is verified. Parents must contact their home school principal to make an appointment to verify residency. For a list of documents used for proof of residency, please see the Residency Verification Information section below
NEW students WITHOUT siblings already enrolled in the District – Click Here to create an account and register your child. For help with enrolling a new student, please click here.
NEW students WITH siblings already enrolled in the District – Click Here to login to your Family Access account and click on NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION.
*If your student attended any of the preschool programs hosted by Moline at any of the elementary schools or the Jefferson Early Learning Center you will need to register as a returning student. Click here to login to your Skyward family access account. As a returning student, you will not need to verify residency at the District’s formal in-person registration event. For assistance with logging into your Skyward family access account please submit a service request by clicking here.
*For a list of what to bring for proof of residency, please see Residency Verification Information link below.
If you have technical difficulties, please submit a service request to EdTech by clicking here. You can also send an email to
Please contact your child's school with specific questions:
- Jane Addams: 309-743-1601
- Bicentennial 309-743-1614
- Butterworth: 309-743-1604
- Franklin: 309-743-1607
- Hamilton: 309-743-1610
- Lincoln-Irving: 309-743-1612
- Logan: 309-743-1613
- Roosevelt: 309-743-1617
- Washington: 309-743-1619
- Willard: 309-743-1620
Residency Verification Information
During the student registration process, parents/ guardians will be required to provide documentation for both student enrollment and residency. Before the registration process can be completed, a child’s parent/ guardian must provide proof of residency. Illinois School Code states that a child is entitled to enrollment in a district wherein he/she resides. The code further defines residence as a physical presence with an intention to remain on a permanent basis with the person(s) who have legal custody of the child.
Proof of residency requires documentation with the matching address of residence from each of the following categories to complete the registration process:
Residency Combination Options:
Category I - 2
Category II - 1
Category I - 1
Category II - 2
Category l
- Mortgage Document (Homeowners)
- Current Lease (Signed & dated) with proof of last month payment
- Property Tax Bill & proof of payment
- Trailer Park lease agreement with proof of last month payment
- Letter of residence (citing address) from landlord in lieu of lease (notarized)
- Letter of residence (citing address) when living with a District Resident
- ISBE Form 85-51 (Affidavit) & Evidence of Non-Parent Custody
- Most recent gas/electric/ water bill
- Most recent cable television bill
Category ll
- Driver’s License or State Identification Card
- Vehicle registration or Title
- Voter registration card
- Most recent Credit Card bill
- Current public aid card with address (current date)
- Home/Rental Insurance Policy (dated)
- Current library card
- Current library card
- Mail received at new residences
- Receipt for moving van rental
The district is aware that, for some families, circumstances may require that additional information be provided in order to adequately meet the requirements for proving residency. Below are several examples for which additional documentation will be required to assist in completing the student registration process.
- If the parent/guardian resides with a district resident, the district resident must provide the residency information for category one and up to two documents from category two. The parent/guardian must supply at least one proof of residency from category two. The ISBE Form 85-51, Affidavit of Enrollment and Residency, must be completed and signed.
- If you are a non-parent seeking to enroll a student, you must complete and sign ISBE Form 85-51, Affidavit of Enrollment and Residency. You must also provide the residency information for category one and up to two documents from category two.
Falsifying residency information for the purpose of a child attending school in a district is a Class C Misdemeanor.
If a student is determined to be a non-resident of Moline School District for whom tuition must be charged, the person(s) enrolling the student is/are liable for non-resident tuition from the date the student began attending as a non-resident.
The Moline School District reserves the right to evaluate the evidence presented. Merely presenting the items listed in the documentation procedure does not guarantee admission.
If you are living with a Moline resident, please download and fill out a LETTER OF RESIDENCE FORM (Spanish).
If your child is living with a Moline resident, please download and fill out an EVIDENCE OF ENROLLMENT AND RESIDENCY (Spanish).
If you do not have a lease or rental agreement for your residence, download and fill out a LANDLORD IN LIEU OF LEASE (Spanish) form.
Affidavit of Enrollment and Residency (Spanish)
If the person signing the form is not able to be present at registration, the form MUST BE NOTARIZED.
When you register, don't forget:
- Completed physical exam form (required for incoming pre-school, kindergarten, 6th grade, 9th grade, and new students)
- Documented proof from a physician/medical professional of receipt of T-dap vaccination for students in 6th-12th grades
- (for first year students) Certified copy of student's birth certificate issued by county, state, or other reliable proof of age & identity
- Money for student book fee (make checks payable to Moline Board of Education)
- Waiver of fees identification
- Don't forget to join your school's Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
- Medicaid/Link card
- Phone numbers of emergency contact persons, & doctor
All families registering students in the Moline School System must live within the boundaries of Moline-Coal Valley School District No. 40 and within the boundaries of that school unless they have received transfer permission in writing from the Board of Education office. Families that fill out the registration form stating an address within Moline or Coal Valley must live at that address. If it is found that false information was provided to the school, and the student(s) live outside of Moline-Coal Valley School District No. 40, these families will be required to register their children within the community where they live. They will also be required to pay all out-of-district tuition and fees as provided by law for the time any children attended Moline or Coal Valley schools illegally.
Registration FAQ's
Commonly Asked Questions about Registration:
Q: Why is registration held annually?
The health and safety of our students are important. We ask you to update emergency information/registration each year to re-verify parent/guardian work phone numbers, emergency contact persons, and the name of your doctor. In a medical emergency with your child, this information is critical.
Q: I'm new to the school district and need a class supply list. Where do I find one if my school isn't open yet?
Copies of all school supply lists are available on this website or by calling the school district offices located at the building called the Moline-Coal Valley Education Center - 1900 52nd Avenue, Moline, 743-1600. (Summer hours 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.)
Q: Are my children allowed to come to registration?
Registration for returning students will be completed online through the Skyward Login link. Families with students NEW to the district, including kindergarten students, can enroll through Student Intake Center (open seasonal dates).
New Student Intake Center
During the months of September-May, families with students "NEW" to the district, including kindergarten students, can enroll through our Student Intake Center located at the district administration building called the Moline-Coal Valley Education Center. Families will be able to complete enrollment paperwork, verify residency, learn about special programs and support services, and more. Please contact Mrs. Zamora at 309-743-8102 for enrollment information and to schedule an appointment at the Intake Center. Note, parents should start the new student enrollment process to create an account and register their child BEFORE going to the Student Intake Center.
Please note: the Student Intake Center is open each year from early September through May only. Enrollments during the summer months are completed at the district’s in-person registration event typically held late July.
Q: What if our family can't afford the textbook fee?
If you receive aid under Article IV of the Illinois Public Aid Code or meet income guidelines for free lunch, the Board of Education will loan you free textbooks.
State law requires districts to provide information about sex offenders and violent offenders against youth. The Illinois State Police website contains the following:
Illinois Sex Offender Registry,
Illinois Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registry,
Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Sex Offenders,
In-District Transfer Request Information
The form below is to request information about the In-District Transfer process. Families must already be registered for the upcoming school year prior to receiving the request form from the district. If you are new to the district you must submit the new student application for the school you are currently expected to attend based on residency.
Once the information request has been received and the conditions above have been met you will receive an email with further information about how to submit the request for an In-District transfer. Below is the district policies regarding transfers for your review before you request for further information.
School attendance areas for each school are established by the School Board aligned with Board Policy 7:30. Students shall attend the school in the attendance zone in which they reside and/or to which they are assigned, unless special permission is granted by the Superintendent or designee (105 ILCS 5/10-21.3, 5/10-21.3a, and 5/10-22.5).
Student has no more than 5 instances of school tardiness or unexcused absence within the last 176 school days
Student does not have excessive Office Discipline Referrals for major discipline issues
Class size at requesting school does not exceed optimal capacity.
Special education caseload size is within state and federal guidelines.
Transfers will not be approved until student is registered and registration numbers are finalized- as late as the 10th day of fall enrollment
You will need to re-apply for a transfer at the Middle School Level if you want to attend a school other than home school
In-District Transfer Information Request
To request an in-district transfer you must first register your student at their current home school based on your verified residency. After registration has been done, you may use the link below to request a transfer. By submitting the form you are only requesting the transfer for review. If your request is approved, you will receive an email with the contract you must sign and submit before your student may attend the requested school. If your request is denied, you will be contacted by the district as well.
In-District Transfer Request Form Link