A message from Superintendent Dr. Savage
The safety of students and staff is a top priority for the Moline-Coal Valley School District. The district takes multiple steps to uphold its mission of providing a safe learning environment for our students and staff members. This mission includes creating a safe learning environment free of bullying and harassment, as well as taking actions to respond to all four phases of emergency preparedness:
- Prevention - the ability to avoid, deter, or stop an incident
- Preparation - the ability to protect students, staff, visitors, networks, and property against threats of hazards, and mitigate the likelihood of an incident or to reduce the impact of one
- Response - the ability to stabilize an incident, save lives, establish a safe and secure environment, and facilitate the transition to recovery
- Recovery - the capabilities needed to restore the learning environment
Here are some general guidelines:
- Exterior doors are locked when classes begin. During the school day, parents and guests may enter through designated doors, they must check-in at the main office or at the security desk, and sign out upon departure.
- When visiting our high school, visitors use the Raptor badging system. Visitors will need to provide a driver’s license that will be scanned to create a photo ID. This system also checks certain law enforcement databases.
- Our best defense against intruders is vigilance. Adults and students who see any suspicious person, observe behavior that causes concern or hear of any threat should notify an administrator right away. See something- say something.
- Weapons and look-alike weapons (including scout knives and toys) are strictly forbidden at school, at school events, and on school buses. Possession of a weapon or look-alike will result in suspension and/or expulsion and possibly criminal prosecution.
- All schools are required by state law to hold periodic fire, tornado, and lockdown drills. It is essential that we all listen carefully to instructions and adhere to procedures.
The District works closely with local Police and Fire Departments to prevent safety concerns and to address them when they occur. Our district webpage has a number of detailed safety resources as well as district plans. Community members, parents, staff, and students all work together to create a positive learning environment. It is up to each of us to remain vigilant and to do our part to foster a climate of respect and inclusivity.
Dr. Rachel M. Savage